Friday, May 6, 2011

Weigh In

I was pretty nervous about this weigh in for several reasons-
- Dinner at Red Robins on Tuesday
- Dinner at Jack in the Box on Wednesday
- My stupid ankle hurting after grocery shopping yesterday, causing me to not work out today

So it was with a anxious heart that I stepped onto the unforgiving scale, after the see-sawing effect of seeing Bob lose only .25 lbs. this week, and Crystle lose a whopping 7 win the week. Go sis!!

So I looked at the scale total.


I lost 3.5 pounds since last week, for a total loss of 12 lbs since April 1st.

One of the things I decided to implement during this journey was 10 lb. mini-goals. After each 10 lbs. I lose I get to buy myself a reward. Lucky for me I lost enough to justify the rewards I bought a little earlier in the week; some fragrance spray and scented candles from Bath and Body Works, and a neat little gizmo that accurately takes body measurements without having to have someone help you. Sweeeet!

(Speaking of measurements, I used said gizmo to take new ones for this week, and confirmed my suspicions that shark week was making me bloat. I lost a total of 5.5 inches throughout my body, and have updated my stats.)

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