Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Months Later . . .

Hello everyone!

I realize that it's been a while (Months, actually... yikes!) since I've posted on this blog, and I apologize to those few that have actually been keeping track of me.

Due to various problems, both external (My work gym closed for half of june and half of July for renovations) and internal (ie. my laziness and inability to follow through), I fell off the blog-wagon.

Luckily I didn't completely fall of the health-wagon.

My most current low weight was 282.6 lbs. as of 9/13/11. I've lost some inches and gained some flexibility and strength along the way. I've changed my workout routine from cardio-heavy to a more balanced routine of 3 days of cardio and 3 days of weight training. I've fallen in love with exercise equipment I've never used before (I love you, rowing machine, you crazy, sweat-inducing bastard!) and learned that eating healthy is difficult when your spouse isn't on the health bandwagon (And when your income is pretty limited).

I will try to be better about posting every day, at least to log my exercise and food.

1 packet of Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal
1/3 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (I love this stuff, and only 40 calories a cup!)

Morning Snack:
1 serving White Corn Tortilla Chips (Decided to forgo the mango-peach salsa today, not sure why)

Tracy (One of my gym buddies) has a workout she got from her personal trainer, and this was the second time we tried it. It involves chest presses and skullcrushers on an exercise ball, a descending set of bicep exercises, enough shoulder exercises to make me cry for mercy, lunges, squats and finally, ab work utilizing a medicine ball. The first time we did this, I finished well. Tired, my arms and legs feeling like jell-om but I finished nonetheless.

Today, however, I started feeling lightheaded and a bit nauseous about 2/3 of the way through. I didn't get in any squats and did simpler ab work. But in the end my arms at least still felt noodly, so I don't think it was a total waste. I'll be doing sets of squats throughout the day to get those in, and may do some wall push-ups later if my arms will let me.

Smart Ones Lasagna Florentine Meal (Cheese! Yum!)

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