Saturday, May 28, 2011

I've lost 20 pounds!

20.1, to be exact.

I'm very happy. Why?

Many reasons-
- It's been a particularly difficult shark week, so I really didn't expect to lose anything this week. Hell, when I weighed myself two mornings ago, it showed that I'd gained five pounds since the day before! Crazy water retention, no? I upped my water intake as much as I could for the rest of the week, and it seems to have done the trick.

- I skipped the gym for two days in a row, and instead walked around midtown and downtown Sacramento, once by myself and once with some co workers. The weather was amazing (72 degrees) and most of the walk was in the shade. We got to walk past historic old homes, snazzy new apartments and lofts, various different eateries (Which was hard since- it being lunchtime and all- we had to deal with walking past the most amazing aromas!) and all walks of people going about their lives. It was wonderful, and we still got in over 2 miles each walk. Not bad eh?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

All by Mysee--eeelf

Had to go to the gym by myself this weekend. Crystle had stayed up late elsewhere and was pretty much unwakeable (Unless I don't mind getting an elbow to the face), and Bob was in bed with a terrible ear ache. I was more than a little anxious to go and step on the scale without my support system with me. I've been doing well so far, with an average of 2 lbs. lost each week. The scale at home had been moving more or less steadily downward, but what if I'd missed something? Eaten too much, not drank enough water (This week I drank enough water to satisfy a dehydrated elephant, I swear), eaten too much salt?

So I stepped on. . ..


I'm out of the 300s! And I lost 4 1/4 pounds this week!

Obviously whatever I'm doing it's working. I'm giving most of the credit to the increased water intake; the day after I started upping the H20, I saw a bigger loss in one day than I have before.

All in all I'm pretty ecstatic with my loss so far.

(Maybe even enough to post my before photo? I dunno, it involves me in gym pants and a sports bra. Ugh. Not sure if I'm ready to show that little gem to the world.)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Weigh In

Woot! Lost another 2 lbs! Two more and I'll be under the 300 lb line!

I really honestly didn't think I lost anything this week, between our amazing (And overindulgent) Mother's Day dinner, and not getting to the gym often enough, and snacking on little chocolates at work (But at least I logged every one of them, dammit!)

My ankle seems to be-for the most part- back to normal, so I'm going to gently increase my workout times back up and make sure it stays that way. I'll be doing ankle exercises and balance stuff to beef them up so this never happens again, because nothing sucks more than being in the most enthusiastic stretch of a weight loss plan and being impeded by physical limitations.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Weigh In

I was pretty nervous about this weigh in for several reasons-
- Dinner at Red Robins on Tuesday
- Dinner at Jack in the Box on Wednesday
- My stupid ankle hurting after grocery shopping yesterday, causing me to not work out today

So it was with a anxious heart that I stepped onto the unforgiving scale, after the see-sawing effect of seeing Bob lose only .25 lbs. this week, and Crystle lose a whopping 7 win the week. Go sis!!

So I looked at the scale total.


I lost 3.5 pounds since last week, for a total loss of 12 lbs since April 1st.

One of the things I decided to implement during this journey was 10 lb. mini-goals. After each 10 lbs. I lose I get to buy myself a reward. Lucky for me I lost enough to justify the rewards I bought a little earlier in the week; some fragrance spray and scented candles from Bath and Body Works, and a neat little gizmo that accurately takes body measurements without having to have someone help you. Sweeeet!

(Speaking of measurements, I used said gizmo to take new ones for this week, and confirmed my suspicions that shark week was making me bloat. I lost a total of 5.5 inches throughout my body, and have updated my stats.)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ankle Woes Continued . . . .

So my ankle hasn't been getting better. After every workout it just gets so painful. So I emailed my doctor and he says most likely I have a reccurent mild ankle sprain.


I've been told to cut my workout times in half and wear an ankle support. Hopefully this will help heal it so I can get back to my workouts. I'll just have to be even more vigilant about what I eat.

PS- regarding my last post about my measurement conundrum. I didn't even think about the fact that it was shark week. So yeah, pretty sure that explains . . .all that. Henceforth I'm switching measurement taking week to the second of the month, so it's more accurate.