Saturday, May 28, 2011

I've lost 20 pounds!

20.1, to be exact.

I'm very happy. Why?

Many reasons-
- It's been a particularly difficult shark week, so I really didn't expect to lose anything this week. Hell, when I weighed myself two mornings ago, it showed that I'd gained five pounds since the day before! Crazy water retention, no? I upped my water intake as much as I could for the rest of the week, and it seems to have done the trick.

- I skipped the gym for two days in a row, and instead walked around midtown and downtown Sacramento, once by myself and once with some co workers. The weather was amazing (72 degrees) and most of the walk was in the shade. We got to walk past historic old homes, snazzy new apartments and lofts, various different eateries (Which was hard since- it being lunchtime and all- we had to deal with walking past the most amazing aromas!) and all walks of people going about their lives. It was wonderful, and we still got in over 2 miles each walk. Not bad eh?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stina! Congrats on the weight loss. How are you doing?
