Friday, April 15, 2011

The Goal.

So I decided to set a goal for my weightloss, see if that helps light a fire under my ass.

My goal? To lose 88 lbs. by my 26th birthday, January 18th, 2012.

It's reasonable; it averages out to 2 lbs. of weightloss a week, which is the supposed healthy amount. I'm hoping that the first couple weeks where I tear shit up and lose like a crazy person will help make up for the times in the future where I break down and eat a pizza or a whole carton of ice cream.

Not that any of that is going to happen. Portion control is definitely something I'm working hard on.

My boyfriend Bob and my best friend Crystle are in this weight-loss thing with me. We've even started a contest. Whoever loses the largest percentage of weight each week is the winner, and gets to claim the "trophy"; a cheap little handweight spray-painted gold. I want it sooooo bad.

So here's the starting stats for this goal, and for this blog.

Starting weight: 314.75 lbs. (Ouch!!!)
Current weight: 314 lbs. (-.75 lbs)
Goal Weight: 226.75 lbs.
Lbs. to lose: 88 lbs. (8 is my favorite number, so maybe this is a good omen?)
Next weigh-in: Friday, April 15th

Yep, the next weigh-in is tonight. I actually started actively trying to lose weight on April 1st, so I'm adding in the measly .75 lb. weight loss that I clocked in the first week. It wasn't a good weigh in; The day we started, we weighed ourselves at 3 pm, on my day off, before dinner and having had nothing to eat for several hours. The first week's weigh in, we weighed ourselves 2 hours after a healthy but hefty dinner of beef stir-fry. Not a great start. We've decided to make Fridays salad dinner days, to compensate.

I'll post again tonight after the weigh in.

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