Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wii Fit

Got up this morning determined to start working off the -extra- wine cooler I had last night (Yep, I drank the last one right before bed, argh!)

Last night Bob installed my Wii Fit to work of my computer monitor (We don't have a television), so I got up, put on my workout gear (Ha I first accidentally typed "Workpout" gear, freudian slip perhaps?) and did 42 minutes of (mostly) aerobic stuff.

It was a combination of a simulated bike ride, hula hooping, skateboarding, kung fu (I'm hoping there's a faster advanced version of this, because it was fun but way too slow) and flapping my arms like some crazy plucked chicken to stay in flight.

I sweated fairly good, though I think I'll skip the skateboarding next time, not enough vigorous movement.

I'm thinking of trying to do at least a 1/2 hour of this in the morning before work, just to start off the day on a good note.

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