Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weigh In

So the weigh in last night went really well!

Crystle was the winner for the week, with a loss of 7 lbs! Yay, Crystle!!!

Bob got second place with a loss of 7 lbs. Yay!! So far he's lost ten pounds since April 1st, I'm so proud of him!

I came in third place with a loss of 2.5 lbs. Which is good. But not as good as I'd hoped it would've been.

This weigh in is making me want to rethink my strategy. So far Bob and Crystle have been doing almost no weight training, focusing solely on cardio. Meanwhile, I've been doing a lot of weight training, maybe half, and the rest is cardio. I'm wondering if I should change my tactic and just do cardio until I've lost a lot of weight.

What do you think?


  1. Weight training builds muscle thus increasing your metabolic rate but also adding weight. If you want to see bigger numbers cardio will get you there faster but its not necessarily better that way.

  2. Like Kristina said weight training will build muscle which weighs more than fat but has the advantage of burning more calories - even when you're not active.

    Relying on the scales only as a measure might get you discouraged - so I'd say also take physical measurements. That way even if initially the others seem to be losing more weight more you can see how much your respective waistlines etc are actually shrinking :)

  3. You're right, and we did actually take measurements the day we signed up for the gym. I've added them to my stats on the top right corner, and we will continue to take measurements once a month, so that the changes are easily recorded and not just human error.
